zefr0x(1) Programmer's Manual zefr0x(1)




Bachelor Computer Science student, interested in Systems Programming, uses Arch Linux as main operating system, and strongly passionate about Free and Open-Source Software.

I'm interested in having an internship.


I use a firewall, but I will open a port via @zer0-x:kde.org so we can communicate through a secure tunnel.

For non-secure and non-private connections, i'm on LinkedIn (zefr0x)

I have no existence in other social media (as people call them).


Ianny | عَيْنِي: Periodically inform the user to take breaks by keeping track of usage patterns, preventing repetitive strain injuries.

StackBloatLess: (WIP) Clean and effective native desktop interface for stackexchange sites.

Moadaly | مُعَدَّلِي: (WIP) Advanced GUI for calculating the GPA and other related stuff, for every student.

For more take a look at GitHub (zefr0x) & GitLab (zefr0x).


With Rust or Python, familiar in building general tools to simplify tasks and make live easier.
Familiarity with the linux desktop environment, application development with GTK4 or Qt6, and packaging with Flatpak.
Ability to create very simple extensions.


-l, --language <LANGUAGE>

Main knowledge in Rust and Python, know few things about , some times forced to use JavaScript , config things using Lua and Shell for very simple scripts.

Other languages: SQLite, HTML5, CSS3, LaTeX and Markdown.

-b, --library <LIBRARY>

Internationalizing software with GNU GetText.

For web scraping: select.rs or BeautifulSoup.

Very simple things with Matplotlib and other data science related Python libraries.

-f, --framework <FRAMEWORK>

Build simple PySide6 or Relm4 + Adwaita applications.

-p, --protocol <PROTOCOL>

Used D-Bus and I want to learn more, but I'm still a beginner for now.

Contact directly with the Wayland protocol for non-graphical usage.

-o, --other <THING>


Familiarity at least with the parts that I mostly use. I haven't worked in a big project before, so I might be week in some aspects, but I can learn.
Able to create a very simple Dockerfile/Containerfile, and have very basic knowledge about containers.
Deployed some simple web sites using it.

See Also

I do solve some programming challenges in Codewars from time to time.
I write PKGBUILD files for ArchLinux.
To know more about my Personalized Development Environment.
From time to time I write some articles here.


Creative Commons License Creative Commons License Attribution Creative Commons License NonCommercial Creative Commons License ShareAlike
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Vectors and icons by SVG Repo or Simple Icons or from there original source.